New England Telehealth Consortium





"One of the most sublime

experiences we can ever

have is to wake up

feeling healthy after we

have been sick."

Harold Kushner






Question: Will NETC accept Lagged 2X10G circuits to create 20G DIA?
Answer: Yes, but please provide 40 Gbps handoff pricing as well.

Question: Will NETC accept 100G port for any DIA service >20G?
Answer: Yes, but please include 40 Gbps handoff pricing as well.

Question: For transport services can NETC accept Wave service or Ethernet only?
Answer: NETC can accept Wave services

Question: For transport services is NETC also looking for dedicated bandwidth options from 10G to 40G or is that just for the Dedicated Internet portion of the request?
Answer: For transport, please provide pricing 10G to 40G