New England Telehealth Consortium





"One of the most sublime

experiences we can ever

have is to wake up

feeling healthy after we

have been sick."

Harold Kushner






Question: In 11.5.1, is the intent of the diversity requirement that a single vendor replying to this RFP would supply both the service in (1Gbps to 5Gbps) and (100Mbps to 1Gbps) to ensure diversity?
Response: The intent is to make responding vendors aware that diversity will be considered in when scoring the technical merit of each proposal. The current level requested is carrier diversity between the two. Please note that the services requested in this RFP are currently under contract.

Question: In 11.5.1, please describe the extent to which physically diverse building entrances and property access is currently available at 123 Medical Center Dr, Brunswick, ME. A pictorial, schematic, or satellite mark up would be acceptable to indicate details of these.
Response: At this time carrier diversity is all that is requested for 11.5.1 and 11.6.1, additional diversity requests will be discussed after vendor selection.