New England Telehealth Consortium





"One of the most sublime

experiences we can ever

have is to wake up

feeling healthy after we

have been sick."

Harold Kushner






Question: Is a response required for services under contract until 2022 that are listed in this RFP?
Response: Please provide the contract as a response to the the RFP or include it with your response if you plan to bid on other services.

Question: Southern Maine Healthcare / Waterboro, HCP# 61809 appears in 11.1 as a site, but it is nowhere else in the RFP looking for service. Is there a service request for this location that was omitted?
Response: All eligible MaineHealth HCPs are listed in section 11.1. Including them all in the RFP allows HCPs to add or upgrade services without going to RFP again.

Question: SMCC - 1 Medical Center Drive is identified as HCP# 23707 and HCP# 23712 in the document. Is that HCP identification in error? Should it be HCP# 23567?
Response: Yes, all references to SMHC - 1 Medical Center Drive are for HCP# 23567

Question: There seems to be some duplicates at the end of section 11.22
Response: Starting at 11.22.17 the section should read as follows.